Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Its the end of 2011 so rather than write lots of words I thought I would post some cycling pictures which are a bit different!
 The resident pig at our Youth Hostel in Belgium
 Me and Eve practicing Madison slings......we fell off at the nationals must try harder!
 Spaghetti Boonenaisse at the Cycling Museum, Oodennarde
 Photoshoot Castlefields, Manchester
 Training ride Lancashire

 Team Launch Wigan
Belgium cobbled climb......

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Over The Handlebars!

Today I got it wrong!

Lots of snow and ice where I live continuing the 'its always wet here' theme.

Conditions suggested turbo trainer or cyclocross at Leverhulme Park

The cyclocross however was 10mins from my house and I thought it would be fun......

The good bits....

Close to home.
Good to see everybody.
My cycling kit looks great!

Not quite as good bits......

It was very cold, and I mean really cold.
I crashed on a descent narrowly missing a tree and went over the handlebars (top chopper cyclist that's me!). It hurt so much I cried for 5 minutes and then carried on.
Rode really slowly because I was cold.
Broke my gear shifter (only a plastic bit so its still works).
Women's changing rooms locked at end of race so no shower, shivered all the way home.
My body is damaged by handlebars (legs and stomach).

I'm glad I got out in the sunshine, although it was really, really cold and crashing (and thawing numb hands and feet) hurts more than an hour on the turbo! Plus I wouldn't need to clean the bike either ;).

Melissa x

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Its Still Raining!

Training is going well!

Have been hit with a cold and forced to take a few days off but nothing too serious.

Have been on rollers, have used turbo trainer, have raced on the track at the velodrome (got a win on Friday hey look at me.....there's enough girls now to give us our own group which is brilliant).

I have even done another cross race a bit different this one it was a Madison cross.

Madison in cycling basically means a relay and its supposed to happen on the track. Alex and I paired up at Clayton Vale for Phil Braybrooke;s Christmas event and I rode in the 70s purple kit which the Midland riders of Halesowen profess to be proud of!

Short fast laps for an hour through long grass and mud followed by a technical section into the finish. The conditions, the kit and dad on the microphone made it an interesting day! Actually in terms of training it was really quite hard.

Have now got interviews for university's to prepare for and also exam set number 3 for A levels so life is quite interesting again!

Speak soon
