Off the bike I have had two interviews at Manchester and Leeds University for next years education. Both interviews went well and I have now got offers from both. Now I need to work hard to make sure I get the right A level grades so they let me in! I've got 4 offers so its all down to me now.
I've had another round of exams in January and I think they went well.
On the bike has also been going well too...
The new Champion Systems/Maxgear/Kyklos kit arrived and looks the business and training is going well despite the weather doing its best to keep me inside on the rollers/turbo. I'm very lucky to have the Manchester Velodrome close which allows training and racing in the relative warmth.
Luckily Paul Hewitt who originally built the wheels is rebuilding them with new spokes and rims because they were my favourites!
We have had a number of invites to races, both national and international and we are plotting our first foreign road trip for March.
Next event is the Vita cycles time trial through the Mersey Tunnel (shut to cars!) which Francis, Nicola and myself have been persuaded to enter. Exciting times! :)